Ariya Sontrapornpol


Resume | LinkedIn | YouTube | GitHub

I am a Machine Learning Engineer focusing on MLOps and ML Solution Architecture. I love turning ideas into products that have a positive impact on the world. :)

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Work Experience

Machine Learning Engineer at Perceptra

March 2022 - Present
Deployed machine learning models to 100+ hospitals nationwide, accelerating cancer detection, to save lives.


AI Engineer Intern at Obodroid

Jun 2021 - Jul 2021 (2 months)
Enabled surveillance robots to recognize where they are.



Sales Forecast MLOps at Scale

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"Sales Forecast MLOps at Scale" delivers a full-stack, production-ready solution designed to streamline the entire sales forecasting system – from development and deployment to continuous improvement. It offers flexible deployment options, supporting both on-premises environments (Docker Compose, Kubernetes) and cloud-based setups (Kubernetes, Helm), ensuring adaptability to your infrastructure.

Key Features

Tools / Technologies

Full-stack On-Premises MLOps system for Computer Vision

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Fully operating on-premises MLOps system tailored for Computer Vision tasks from Data versioning to Model monitoring and drift detection with the concept: 1 config, 1 command from Jupyter Notebook to serve Millions of users". This system equips you with everything you need, from a development workspace in Jupyter Lab/Notebook to production-level services and it only takes "1 config and 1 command" to run the whole system from building the model to deployment! I've integrated numerous best practices to ensure scalability and reliability while maintaining flexibility. While my primary use case revolves around image classification, this project structure can easily adapt to a wide range of ML/DL developments, even transitioning from on-premises to cloud!

Tools / Technologies

Real-time Webcam Background Replacement Web Application

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A web application with the Zoom-like feature: Real-time webcam background replacement with a Web UI + Cartoonification + Image filters built with FastAPI using WebSocket (Also, utilizes JavaScript for frontend functionalities).

Key Features

Face Recognition with Liveness Detection Login on Flask Web application

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A web application login page including face verification (1-to-1 to verify whether the person who is logging in is really that person), for security purposes, with liveness detection mechanism (to check whether the person detected on the camera is a REAL person or FAKE (eg. image, video, etc. of that person)) for Anti-Spoofting (Others pretending to be the person). After the login page, a webpage placeholder is also provided for future use.


EzFit: Startup MVP

Pain point: People are bored of exercise and lack motivation.
Solution: Gamification and Multi-user Empowered by AI.
Accomplishments in Business Aspect:

Accomplishments in AI / App Development Aspect:


Main tools: React Native, Expo, Firebase, TensorFlow, TensorFlow Lite, TensorFlowJS, Mediapipe


There are a lot of competitions I have attended, but here are the ones I’ve learned the most from and I’m allowed to open-source the work.

Thailand Machine Learning for Chemistry Competition (TMLCC)

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TMLCC is a new type of Data Science competition in which competitors need to use Machine Learning techniques in order to build and develop mathematic models with the ability to learn and understand the relationship between structural properties of Metal-Organic frameworks (MOFs) and their Working Capacity. The developed models need to be able to predict this property of other MOFs accurately and precisely. Briefly given a number of features of chemistry properties and molecule files, the goal is to predict the CO2 Working Capacity (how much the MOFs can absorb CO2) in mL/g. Hence this is the regression task.

We placed in 6th place from over 200+ teams nationwide. Here are the main techniques we applied that made us stand out:

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